The Quilting Experience - A Celebration of Community and Patchwork Patterns

  • Description


Victoria's latest  book is a treasury of quilting stories gathered from over 80 quilters and quilt enthusiasts combined with quilt blocks and lessons to put together a unique sampler quilt to celebrate our quilting community and your own creative journey. Arranged in twelve chapters, with reflective thoughts and prompts for general life themes as you work on the corresponding blocks. Great for individual, guild, or group (or quilt bee) exploration.  It's a book you will want to sit down and read....and one that also has great quilt patterns to create!

Create your own Experience Quilt that's rich with memories and personal narrative! In this book, author Victoria Findlay Wolfe features 12 relatable life themes, with thoughts and stories to contemplate the reader's experiences and connections to quilts and quilting. Each theme is illuminated by stories from quilters of diverse backgrounds to help connect the dots, or "threads" to tie the book together! There is also a corresponding quilt block design with full instructions. The featured "Experience Quilt" design uses all of these blocks with step-by-step diagrams for assembly. The book  includes 11 additional projects that incorporate the same block designs - packed with inspiration! You'll laugh, cry, get the warm fuzzies, and reflect on how your life is sewn into the seams of your own work.

Hardcover, 240 pages